How does crime affect citizens of Trinidad and Tobago?


  1. I believe that crime affects all citizens of this country either directly or indirectly. I feel the effects of crime almost everywhere I go I am constantly looking over my shoulder, even at the gas station while fulling petrol I wonder if someone is coming to rob me or the gas station, crime in the country has made good standing citizens paranoid.

  2. We live in a time where crime is no longer considered 'petty' and gruesome murders are the order of the day. Crime affects everyone in one way or the other and that harsh reality has negatively impacted on our need for protection. We are no longer safe. Furthermore, Trinis have lost confidence in the authorities whose main purpose is to protect and serve. I am fearful for my future generation.

  3. It impacts all of us socially, legally and economically. I'm alert and vigilant but I don't think I've reached paranoia, and I hope I never will. I live life and enjoy it while being proactive with my safety.


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