Maxi driver shot dead

A maxi taxi driver who was shot during a robbery on Saturday has died at hospital.
Clyde Mitchell, 50, of Ste Madeleine, died at the San Fernando General Hospital on Monday.
Police said Mitchell was parked at the side of a road at Edinburgh 500, Chaguanas, when he was attacked.
A video which surfaced on social media showed the attack on Mitchell. 
Mitchell was seated in the vehicle when a man accosted him. 
They fought and emerged out of the vehicle, and Mitchell struggled with his killer outside the maxi taxi for several seconds, when he was shot.
The killer then ran down the street as Mitchell returned to the vehicle and drove off. 
Mitchell drove to the Chaguanas District Health Facility, and transferred to SFGH where he was warded.
Police said they were told that a major blood vessel in Mitchell's leg was severed by the bullet, which proved fatal.
An autopsy was expected to be performed today at the Forensic Sciences Centre. 
